这是一款CSS动画404错误页面代码,CSS 动画允许你通过定义关键帧和设置动画属性来实现元素的动态变化。关键帧指定了动画在不同时间点的状态,而动画属性则控制动画的速度、延迟、重复次数等。为404页面带来生动的视觉效果不再单调!
/* From Uiverse.io by Praashoo7 */ <div class="main_wrapper"> <div class="main"> <div class="antenna"> <div class="antenna_shadow"></div> <div class="a1"></div> <div class="a1d"></div> <div class="a2"></div> <div class="a2d"></div> <div class="a_base"></div> </div> <div class="tv"> <div class="cruve"> <svg xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 189.929 189.929" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" class="curve_svg" > <path d="M70.343,70.343c-30.554,30.553-44.806,72.7-39.102,115.635l-29.738,3.951C-5.442,137.659,11.917,86.34,49.129,49.13 C86.34,11.918,137.664-5.445,189.928,1.502l-3.95,29.738C143.041,25.54,100.895,39.789,70.343,70.343z" ></path> </svg> </div> <div class="display_div"> <div class="screen_out"> <div class="screen_out1"> <div class="screen"> <span class="notfound_text"> 错误 404</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lines"> <div class="line1"></div> <div class="line2"></div> <div class="line3"></div> </div> <div class="buttons_div"> <div class="b1"><div></div></div> <div class="b2"></div> <div class="speakers"> <div class="g1"> <div class="g11"></div> <div class="g12"></div> <div class="g13"></div> </div> <div class="g"></div> <div class="g"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="base1"></div> <div class="base2"></div> <div class="base3"></div> </div> </div> <div class="text_404"> <div class="text_4041">4</div> <div class="text_4042">0</div> <div class="text_4043">4</div> </div> </div>
/* From Uiverse.io by Praashoo7 */ /* Design Inspired by one of Stefan Devai's Design on Dribble */ .main_wrapper { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width: 30em; height: 30em; } .main { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; margin-top: 5em; } .antenna { width: 5em; height: 5em; border-radius: 50%; border: 2px solid black; background-color: #f27405; margin-bottom: -6em; margin-left: 0em; z-index: -1; } .antenna_shadow { position: absolute; background-color: transparent; width: 50px; height: 56px; margin-left: 1.68em; border-radius: 45%; transform: rotate(140deg); border: 4px solid transparent; box-shadow: inset 0px 16px #a85103, inset 0px 16px 1px 1px #a85103; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 16px #a85103, inset 0px 16px 1px 1px #a85103; } .antenna::after { content: ""; position: absolute; margin-top: -9.4em; margin-left: 0.4em; transform: rotate(-25deg); width: 1em; height: 0.5em; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #f69e50; } .antenna::before { content: ""; position: absolute; margin-top: 0.2em; margin-left: 1.25em; transform: rotate(-20deg); width: 1.5em; height: 0.8em; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #f69e50; } .a1 { position: relative; top: -102%; left: -130%; width: 12em; height: 5.5em; border-radius: 50px; background-image: linear-gradient( #171717, #171717, #353535, #353535, #171717 ); transform: rotate(-29deg); clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 49% 100%, 52% 100%); } .a1d { position: relative; top: -211%; left: -35%; transform: rotate(45deg); width: 0.5em; height: 0.5em; border-radius: 50%; border: 2px solid black; background-color: #979797; z-index: 99; } .a2 { position: relative; top: -210%; left: -10%; width: 12em; height: 4em; border-radius: 50px; background-color: #171717; background-image: linear-gradient( #171717, #171717, #353535, #353535, #171717 ); margin-right: 5em; clip-path: polygon( 47% 0, 47% 0, 34% 34%, 54% 25%, 32% 100%, 29% 96%, 49% 32%, 30% 38% ); transform: rotate(-8deg); } .a2d { position: relative; top: -294%; left: 94%; width: 0.5em; height: 0.5em; border-radius: 50%; border: 2px solid black; background-color: #979797; z-index: 99; } .notfound_text { background-color: black; padding-left: 0.3em; padding-right: 0.3em; font-size: 0.75em; color: white; letter-spacing: 0; border-radius: 5px; z-index: 10; } .tv { width: 17em; height: 9em; margin-top: 3em; border-radius: 15px; background-color: #d36604; display: flex; justify-content: center; border: 2px solid #1d0e01; box-shadow: inset 0.2em 0.2em #e69635; } .tv::after { content: ""; position: absolute; width: 17em; height: 9em; border-radius: 15px; background: repeating-radial-gradient(#d36604 0 0.0001%, #00000070 0 0.0002%) 50% 0/2500px 2500px, repeating-conic-gradient(#d36604 0 0.0001%, #00000070 0 0.0002%) 60% 60%/2500px 2500px; background-blend-mode: difference; opacity: 0.09; } .curve_svg { position: absolute; margin-top: 0.25em; margin-left: -0.25em; height: 12px; width: 12px; } .display_div { display: flex; align-items: center; align-self: center; justify-content: center; border-radius: 15px; box-shadow: 3.5px 3.5px 0px #e69635; } .screen_out { width: auto; height: auto; border-radius: 10px; } .screen_out1 { width: 11em; height: 7.75em; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border-radius: 10px; } .screen { width: 13em; height: 7.85em; font-family: Montserrat; border: 2px solid #1d0e01; background: repeating-radial-gradient(#000 0 0.0001%, #ffffff 0 0.0002%) 50% 0/2500px 2500px, repeating-conic-gradient(#000 0 0.0001%, #ffffff 0 0.0002%) 60% 60%/2500px 2500px; background-blend-mode: difference; animation: b 0.2s infinite alternate; border-radius: 10px; z-index: 99; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; font-weight: bold; color: #252525; letter-spacing: 0.15em; text-align: center; } @keyframes b { 100% { background-position: 50% 0, 60% 50%; } } /* Another Error Screen to Use .screen { width: 13em; height: 7.85em; position: relative; background: linear-gradient(to right, #002fc6 0%, #002bb2 14.2857142857%, #3a3a3a 14.2857142857%, #303030 28.5714285714%, #ff0afe 28.5714285714%, #f500f4 42.8571428571%, #6c6c6c 42.8571428571%, #626262 57.1428571429%, #0affd9 57.1428571429%, #00f5ce 71.4285714286%, #3a3a3a 71.4285714286%, #303030 85.7142857143%, white 85.7142857143%, #fafafa 100%); border-radius: 10px; border: 2px solid black; z-index: 99; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; font-weight: bold; color: #252525; letter-spacing: 0.15em; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; } .screen:before, .screen:after { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; z-index: 1; width: 100%; } .screen:before { top: 0; height: 68.4782608696%; background: linear-gradient(to right, white 0%, #fafafa 14.2857142857%, #ffe60a 14.2857142857%, #f5dc00 28.5714285714%, #0affd9 28.5714285714%, #00f5ce 42.8571428571%, #10ea00 42.8571428571%, #0ed600 57.1428571429%, #ff0afe 57.1428571429%, #f500f4 71.4285714286%, #ed0014 71.4285714286%, #d90012 85.7142857143%, #002fc6 85.7142857143%, #002bb2 100%); } .screen:after { bottom: 0; height: 21.7391304348%; background: linear-gradient(to right, #006c6b 0%, #005857 16.6666666667%, white 16.6666666667%, #fafafa 33.3333333333%, #001b75 33.3333333333%, #001761 50%, #6c6c6c 50%, #626262 66.6666666667%, #929292 66.6666666667%, #888888 83.3333333333%, #3a3a3a 83.3333333333%, #303030 100%); } */ .lines { display: flex; column-gap: 0.1em; align-self: flex-end; } .line1, .line3 { width: 2px; height: 0.5em; background-color: black; border-radius: 25px 25px 0px 0px; margin-top: 0.5em; } .line2 { flex-grow: 1; width: 2px; height: 1em; background-color: black; border-radius: 25px 25px 0px 0px; } .buttons_div { width: 4.25em; align-self: center; height: 8em; background-color: #e69635; border: 2px solid #1d0e01; padding: 0.6em; border-radius: 10px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; flex-direction: column; row-gap: 0.75em; box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px #e69635; } .b1 { width: 1.65em; height: 1.65em; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #7f5934; border: 2px solid black; box-shadow: inset 2px 2px 1px #b49577, -2px 0px #513721, -2px 0px 0px 1px black; } .b1::before { content: ""; position: absolute; margin-top: 1em; margin-left: 0.5em; transform: rotate(47deg); border-radius: 5px; width: 0.1em; height: 0.4em; background-color: #000000; } .b1::after { content: ""; position: absolute; margin-top: 0.9em; margin-left: 0.8em; transform: rotate(47deg); border-radius: 5px; width: 0.1em; height: 0.55em; background-color: #000000; } .b1 div { content: ""; position: absolute; margin-top: -0.1em; margin-left: 0.65em; transform: rotate(45deg); width: 0.15em; height: 1.5em; background-color: #000000; } .b2 { width: 1.65em; height: 1.65em; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #7f5934; border: 2px solid black; box-shadow: inset 2px 2px 1px #b49577, -2px 0px #513721, -2px 0px 0px 1px black; } .b2::before { content: ""; position: absolute; margin-top: 1.05em; margin-left: 0.8em; transform: rotate(-45deg); border-radius: 5px; width: 0.15em; height: 0.4em; background-color: #000000; } .b2::after { content: ""; position: absolute; margin-top: -0.1em; margin-left: 0.65em; transform: rotate(-45deg); width: 0.15em; height: 1.5em; background-color: #000000; } .speakers { display: flex; flex-direction: column; row-gap: 0.5em; } .speakers .g1 { display: flex; column-gap: 0.25em; } .speakers .g1 .g11, .g12, .g13 { width: 0.65em; height: 0.65em; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #7f5934; border: 2px solid black; box-shadow: inset 1.25px 1.25px 1px #b49577; } .speakers .g { width: auto; height: 2px; background-color: #171717; } .bottom { width: 100%; height: auto; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; column-gap: 8.7em; } .base1 { height: 1em; width: 2em; border: 2px solid #171717; background-color: #4d4d4d; margin-top: -0.15em; z-index: -1; } .base2 { height: 1em; width: 2em; border: 2px solid #171717; background-color: #4d4d4d; margin-top: -0.15em; z-index: -1; } .base3 { position: absolute; height: 0.15em; width: 17.5em; background-color: #171717; margin-top: 0.8em; } .text_404 { position: absolute; display: flex; flex-direction: row; column-gap: 6em; z-index: -5; margin-bottom: 2em; align-items: center; justify-content: center; opacity: 0.5; font-family: Montserrat; } .text_4041 { transform: scaleY(24.5) scaleX(9); } .text_4042 { transform: scaleY(24.5) scaleX(9); } .text_4043 { transform: scaleY(24.5) scaleX(9); }